The Influence of Ancient Tupi on Brazilian Portuguese

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Conversations in Portuguese

Olá, queridos alunos!

Today, we embark on a fascinating exploration into Ancient Tupi, the language that echoes through the ages, shaping the Portuguese we speak in Brazil today. I had the pleasure of discussing this with Mateus Oliveira, the mind behind the channel, Tupinizando.

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    What is Tupi Antigo?

    Tupi Antigo (Ancient Tupi) was the vernacular along the Brazilian coast before European contact, stretching from the south to the northern and northeastern regions. It was a lingua franca during the first two centuries of colonial Brazil, bridging communication between indigenous peoples, Jesuits, Europeans, and immigrants. Despite being banned in 1758 by the Marquês de Pombal, its legacy lives on, notably in the Portuguese language.

    The Influence of Ancient Tupi on Brazilian Portuguese

    Our discussion with Mateus brought to light several examples where Ancient Tupi has left its mark on modern Brazilian Portuguese. See a list of words we covered in the video below. Watch the video to hear the pronunciation and learn more!


    Ipanema (‘Ypanema in Tupi) translates to “useless river” (‘Y meaning river or water, and panem meaning unlucky or not useful). This gives a new layer of meaning to the famous “Girl from Ipanema” song.

    Ipiranga (‘Ypiranga in Tupi) means “red river” (‘Y signifying river or water, and pirang meaning red). It is the name of a town in São Paulo state.

    Fruits & Food

    Jabuticaba (îabutikaba in Tupi) combines îabuti (jabuti, a type of turtle) and kaba (fat), painting a vivid picture of this unique fruit’s appearance as “jabuti fat.” Jabuticaba is a delicious Brazilian fruit.

    Pipoca (popcorn), directly from Tupi pipoka, is derived from pira (skin) and pok (to pop, explode), literally meaning “popped skin.”

    The Animal Kingdom

    Capivara (kapi’ĩûara) means “grass eater” (kapi’ĩ for grass, ‘u for to eat, and ara denoting the agent), fitting for this cute herbivorous animal.

    Sabiá, a bird name that remains close to its Tupi roots, showcases the particular sound changes, with the Tupi B sound being fricative unless preceded by M, leading to a unique pronunciation not found in Portuguese.

    Here’s a list of 10 other indigenous words used in Brazilian Portuguese.

    Discover More with Tupinizando

    For those eager to learn more about Ancient Tupi and its fascinating aspects, Mateus’s content on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok (@tupinizando) offers a wealth of knowledge and insights. As a bonus, you’ll get some Portuguese practice with authentic content. Go check it out!

    Fill out the form below to download a free PDF with a vocabulary list form this lesson.

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